Joel Schultz

In the early 1960’s, Joel taught himself the game of golf as a sixth grader using an old mismatched set of wooden shafted clubs. He played as often as he could until age 21 when his young family took priority. In 1992, at age 40, Joel was diagnosed with hereditary coronary artery disease. After numerous surgeries he was declared disabled in 1993. Joel picked up golf again in 1994 with the local PGA (Pastor’s Golf Association) for exercise and social stimulation. A member for a dozen years at a local golf course, he progressed to consistently scoring in the low to mid 80’s, with an occasional high 70’s as well as low 90’s. In July 2011 Joel underwent a successful second open-heart surgery where an artery from each forearm was used. During recovery he developed compartment syndrome in both forearms resulting in the loss of all of the forearm muscles and the eventual amputation of his dominant right hand and wrist. His left hand and wrist had no movement or touch leaving a numb feeling. A small group of dedicated volunteers kept his fingers flexible until the gracilis muscle from Joel’s inside right thigh could be transplanted into his left forearm during a surgical procedure in April of 2012. Joel’s index finger began to move ever so slightly, without assistance, five months later. With the help of occupational therapy, Joel has regained some limited left and wrist use, although the pins in the thumb of his left hand prevent him from bending the knuckle.