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The Physically Challenged Golfers


As golfers, we are familiar with the term "handicap."
Golfers who play in certain types of tournaments must have a handicap in order to play and keep things fair amongst the wide variety of player skills and levels.
Friends who often play each other for a few bucks know each other's handicap like the backs of their hands. But those who have physical and/or mental disabilities know all too well what real handicaps are. From arthritis in the hands to loss of limbs, Bob Burns helps those who want to play golf. Give Bob or his staff a call at 1-888-742-4766. Or better yet, stop on out to the:
Bob Burns Golf Shop and Learning Center
428 W. Edgewood Dr.
Appleton, WI
And learn from the best!
Please feel free to click on a magazine article below to learn more.
Wisconsin Public Television Documentary
Bob Burns Golf: Adaptive instruction for golfers with disabilities

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